
L/Sgt Arthur George Boyle MM

09101841- L-R Ed Pollock, Art Boyle UK 1942
  • Taken On Strength(TOS)

    Rank: Tpr
    Sqn: A Sqn (RCD)

    Date: 21 May 40


    Rank: Tpr
    Sqn: A Sqn (RCD)

    Date: 22 Jul 40

    D&M (WR) course.

  • Rank: Tpr
    Sqn: C

    Date: 22 Aug 41

    Test for Drivers IC Class II.


    Rank: Tpr
    Sqn: C

    Date: 28 Oct 41

    Driver Mechanic Group "C".


    Rank: Tpr

    Date: 28 Dec 41

    1st Good Conduct Badge


    Rank: Tpr(A/L/Cpl)

    Date: 19 Jan 42

    From Tpr to Tpr(A/L/Cpl) (unpaid)

  • Stricken Off Strength(SOS)

    Rank: L/Cpl

    Date: 19 Feb 42

    SOS proceeds on Course 301 D&M, att to D&M Wing, AFV School.

  • Taken On Strength(TOS)

    Rank: L/Cpl

    Date: 31 Mar 42

    TOS returns from Course 301 D&M, and ceases att to D&M Wing, AFV School.


    Rank: L/Cpl

    Date: 31 Mar 42

    Attained classification P2 at Course 301 D&M General Lee Tank


    Rank: L/Cpl(A/Cpl)

    Date: 16 Jun 42

    From L/Cpl to L/Cpl(A/Cpl)


    Rank: L/Cpl(A/Cpl)

    Date: 21 Jul 42

    Driver IC Class II (T)

  • Stricken Off Strength(SOS)

    Rank: L/Cpl(A/Cpl)

    Date: 20 Aug 42

    SOS to AFV Course No.380 (AFV D&M). 27 Aug 42 to 15 Sep 42.


    Rank: Cpl

    Date: 16 Sep 42

    From L/Cpl(A/Cpl) to Cpl

  • Rank: Cpl
    Sqn: C

    Date: 26 Oct 42

    To attend the Regt'l Assault School 26 Oct 42 to 7 Nov 42


    Rank: Cpl

    Date: 21 Apr 43

    Gunner (RAC) II

  • Stricken Off Strength(SOS)

    Rank: Cpl

    Date: 01 Jun 43

    SOS att to No. 3 CACRU


    Rank: Cpl

    Date: 30 Jul 43

    Relinquish qualification of Dr Mech "C" on being re-mustered and qualified Dr Mech (Tank) "C"

  • Taken On Strength(TOS)

    Rank: Cpl

    Date: 03 Aug 43

    TOS, ceases att to No.3 CACRU


    Rank: Cpl

    Date: 15 Jan 44

    Cdn Vol Svc Medal & Clasp

  • DDAY

    Rank: Cpl
    Sqn: A

    Date: 03 Jun 44

    Embark 3 Jun 44, disembark 6 Jun 44


    Rank: L/Sgt

    Date: 19 Aug 44

    From Cpl to L/Sgt


    Rank: L/Sgt(A/Sgt)

    Date: 14 Oct 44

    From L/Sgt to L/Sgt(A/Sgt)

  • Stricken Off Strength(SOS)

    Rank: L/Sgt(A/Sgt)
    Trade: Dvr Mech TK “C"

    Date: 27 Oct 44

    SOS to X-8 list CAC(C) to Gunnery Crse #521D, AFV School Bovington


    Rank: L/Sgt

    Date: 13 Jan 45

    Military Medal awarded as per Canada Gazette and CARO/5265, both dated 13 January 1945